Last updates. 12. 01. 2009

Things we already have done:

  • We have added "Include page as container" feature to design module (link to blog)
  • We have improved "Widget Reference" feature
  • "Import - Export to new project" is improved
  • "Copy page" is added, "Copy Project" is added.
  • We improved interface in Design module: working panels now are fixed relatively to browser, and additional panels open on click
  • We added new mode to "Text Mockup Content": "Mode html"

Copy page feature

Hello everybody!

Recently we have added new feature to coutline platform, which is called "Copy page" and allows to create a copy of the existing page.

The feature is useful if you looking to create few versions of the same page or if you want to experiment with page but would like to keep the original one unchanged.

The new page is completely independent of the original one, however it keeps links to the other pages of the project.
Try it and let us know what you think.

And have a great day ahead!


Good morning! Since my last post we have received lots of login requests and comments on the system.

We are glad to see rising interest and demand for our service and hope it to rise even more in the future. We appreciate every comment and suggestion on how the system works and invite all users who haven't express their opinion yet to do so.

Meanwhile I will continue to provide explanations for our existing features. Today's issue is reference. Reference allows to set properties of the any given widget without changing the original one. Let's say you have created widget and would like to include it in pages of your project.

Moreover, you would like to change part of its properties when you include it. And part of properties you wold like to keep unchanged whenever widget appears. To do so, you have to use reference.

Select widget, than select reference on Edit Tools.

Its menu consists of the following options: Widget Contents, Hidden, Font, Colors & Patterns, Link, Padding, Border. Check in all those properties you would like to change when including widget in different pages. Than go to any other page and include widget . Now set new properties for a widget. In case you have forgotten what properties you may and may not to change, check it in reference menu. Learn More

Good luck and remember to use tutorial or ask us whenever you need it.

"Include" feature


As promised earlier, today I would like to explain more on our "Include" feature

You can include any widget, set of widgets or whole page created earlier, in a page you are currently working on.

Included widget appears with the same properties as an original one.

You can select widget properties to be modified. To do so, you have to select original widget and check in properties to be modified in "Reference" toolbar.

Once you included widget in your current page, you are able to change it. Remember, when you change an original widget - it changes all widgets referenced to it. When you change widget included in page - it changes only selected widget.
Learn More

In addition, you can include set of widgets or page as a container. It means that all widgets presented in a group/page keep their position inside the group unchanged. You can move or align container as a single widget. Moreover, you can change properties of widgets included in group.

And of cause there is no better way to learn more about any feature than to try it in real!

Good morning friends!

After two years of intense development, we are happy to launch Coutline professional platform.

As of now the system is launched in a closed beta version.
We welcome all our pioneer users, who started to work with the system.

On the technical side, we have added new feature to the design mode - "Include page as container". It allows to include the whole page as a container and freely position it on the new page. The detail explanation will follow.

We wish to our clients and ourselves a fruitful day!